Summary Tab
A summary of the total amounts paid by platform.
- Platform
- Transaction Month
- Currency
- Catalog Revenue (your catalog’s net earnings)
- Share in (payments received from other accounts)
- Share out (you catalog revenue you shared with other accounts)
- Net (catalog revenue + share in - share out)
Masters Tab
Details for your catalog sales.
- Album Title
- Track Title
- Artists: the artist’s name and their role on each specific album
- Label: the label information that was registered on the album metadata
- Product type: the type of product that earned the revenue (album/track/video)
- Store: DSP name
- Territory: territory where the stream/play/download occurred
- Sales type: stream or download
- Transaction Month: date (YYYY-MM-DD) when stream/sale/download actually happened
- Accounted Date: date (YYYY-MM-DD) when the transaction was accounted for in your OFFstep account
- Original Currency: original currency received for the stream/download/play
- Gross (Original Currency): gross amount in the original currency that each DSP paid per play/stream
- Exchange Rate: exchange rate used to convert the original currency into your currency
- Currency: the currency that was paid to your OFFstep account
- Gross: revenue that was received from platforms
- Quantity: number of downloads/streams/plays
- Average Unit: gross divided by quantity
- Share: the percentage of the gross that was transferred into your OFFstep account
- Fees: fee charged by the platforms
- Net: revenue for your catalog
Shares In & Out Tab:
Additional fields from this tab are:
- ID: the UPC for album sales and ISRC for track sales
- Parent ID: album UPC for track sales
- Payer Name: artist/label that is paying the share
- Receiver Name: artist/label that is receiving the share
- Share Type: in or out
- % Share In/Out: percentage paid or received